Getting over a break-up is terribly hard especially when you love that person with every fibre in your body. Sometimes it feels as though you can’t go on since you associate everything with him. You can’t imagine a future without him and all you do if you’re not working yourself to death is cry yourself […]
After working so hard and getting stressed out in the process, we all deserve to have a relaxing vacation. If you’ve been dying to have some fun in the sun, most likely you want to have a long, tropical vacation. To have that amazing time off, careful thinking and planning is needed.
I do the grocery shopping at home and it’s hard sometimes to not go beyond your budget. All the calculating and budgeting can sometimes get on your nerves and you get stressed. To reward myself I would dine out and try different types of cuisines. I’m a foodie and trying out new restaurants is also […]
Being a wife and mother and having a career all at the same time isn’t easy. As a matter of fact, it’s quite stressful. That’s why de-stressing even for just short periods of time is a must. One way I do it is by eating since I’m such a foodie. I enjoy dining out and […]
As an employer, I’ve stuck to the traditional way of monitoring the activities of my employees on the computers installed in my office. My father before me used all kinds of PC spyware but when I managed the company for nearly six months, things were not quite adding up. I felt productivity was quite less […]
Losing weight is never easy. There are people who start dieting and working out religiously but end up going back to their old ways. Hiding junk food and other no-nos in their Fulterer soft close drawer slides. Probably not many people know that there are superfoods that can keep you full but slim all at […]