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Bacolod Business News

Negros Power Gears Up For Central Negros Operation With Support From MORE Power

Negros Electric and Power Corporation (Negros Power) is gearing up for its highly anticipated operation in Central Negros, with substantial support from its sister company, MORE Power. As the new electric distribution utility, Negros Power aims to revolutionize the energy landscape of the region, ensuring efficiency, reliability, and sustainability.

Watch as MORE Power’s fleet rolls into Bacolod City from Iloilo to kickstart Negros Power’s operations! Get ready for an enhanced service that’s all about improving consumer lives.

Collaborative Efforts with MORE Power

MORE Power, the renowned distribution utility in Iloilo City, has joined forces with Negros Power to facilitate a smooth transition and operational readiness. A fleet of vehicles and expert personnel from MORE Power have arrived in Central Negros, bringing their vast experience and best practices to bolster Negros Power’s preparations.

Negros Power Gears Up For Central Negros Operation With Support From MORE Power

The collaboration between these two companies highlights a commitment to excellence and innovation. MORE Power’s expertise, especially noted for its low electricity rates and groundbreaking achievements, will be instrumental in setting up Negros Power for success. The arrival of the support fleet signifies a proactive approach to establishing a robust and sustainable power distribution system.

Strategic Preparations Underway

Negros Power has already procured an initial stock of brand-new electrical supplies, which will soon be delivered to their Central Negros warehouses. This proactive measure is part of a comprehensive five-year rehabilitation and modernization plan designed to enhance the region’s power distribution network. The focus is on creating a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable system that can adapt to the evolving demands of consumers.

Negros Power Gears Up For Central Negros Operation With Support From MORE Power

Roel Castro, President and CEO of Negros Power, emphasized the importance of this initiative: “We understand the significance of an uninterrupted power supply for the economic and social development of Central Negros. Our team is working diligently to ensure a seamless transition and improved service for consumers from the first day of our operation.”

Legislative Milestone Achieved

Negros Power’s readiness is further emphasized by the legislative progress of its franchise, which has been approved by both Congress and the Senate, awaiting the final signature from President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. This legal approval will grant them a 25-year authority to operate in the cities of Bacolod, Bago, Silay, and Talisay, along with the municipalities of Murcia and Don Salvador Benedicto.

Negros Power Gears Up For Central Negros Operation With Support From MORE Power

A Bright Future Ahead

The joint efforts of Negros Power and MORE Power underline a shared vision of delivering reliable electricity and addressing the growing needs of Central Negros. The teams are committed to a seamless operational transition and are more than ready to serve the community.

Negros Power Gears Up For Central Negros Operation With Support From MORE Power

The anticipation among Central Negros residents is palpable, as they look forward to improved electricity services and the benefits that come with a modernized and efficient distribution network. Negros Power is not just preparing to take over; it is setting the stage for a brighter, more sustainable future for the region.

Stay tuned for more updates as Negros Power prepares to light up Central Negros with unwavering dedication and superior service.

The Blue Ink

Dhadha Garcia is a lifestyle blogger from Bacolod, PH. She is a mompreneur, a full-time blogger, and a content creator. She started blogging in 2007 and became one of the pioneers of the Negrense Blogging Society, Inc. (NBSI) in 2009, where she has received several awards and nominations for her blogs. She also writes at www.twenteenmom.com and www.classysweets.com.

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