#PlsSaveMe – When Saving Up Is More Important Than Having Fun
When you are young, you sometimes feel invincible and act as if you can take on anyone and anything that is thrown your way. Some people work abroad for financial stability while others want to experience how it is to work in a completely different working environment and different country.
But sometimes things do not always turn out the way we want and even if we want to continuously work and earn more money abroad, there are just some unexpected things that happen beyond our control.

Alexis at Jomax Peak, Don Salvador Benedicto, Negros Occidental
Alexis, a 32-year old former OFW from Bacolod City, shares her story and how her #YOLO attitude affected her life, forcing her to make drastic changes just so she can survive.
“I used to work in Dubai as a hotel receptionist and administrative assistant back in 2012. My reason for doing so was because I wanted to be more financially stable. I had a pretty good job and was able to save some money for myself and my family working in one of the most famous hotels in Dubai. Although I did not want to spend too much and would have preferred to have more savings, most of the money I earned I sent to my mother to help with the tuition fee of my younger sister.
After 4 years, I decided to come back in the Philippines for a vacation. Unfortunately, the short vacation I thought I was going to have turned out to be much longer. As a matter of fact, I never left home again. I had a problem with my working visa, so as much as I wanted to continue working in Dubai, I was not able to return anymore.
I did not want to acknowledge it at first, but the whole thing left me feeling depressed and kind of useless. I used to give my family lots of money and now I’m out of work. There were so many things I wanted to do, so many plans for the future. All of my dreams came crashing down. But then I told myself I am young so I should enjoy life. Since YOLO, do as you please and have fun. I spent my money traveling and dining out with friends. I would also go clubbing most nights until I spent all of my savings and was left with nothing.
Fortunately, I came to my senses and decided to look for a job. I was able to find work as a supervisor in a beauty clinic in Bacolod City. I also went into online selling (made to order bouquets, ukay-ukay, etc.).
I still have plans on going back to Dubai and continue working there but for now I am still saving up for the expenses. That day, I know, will come. Although I am more at ease now with my financial situation compared to the time I arrived from Dubai, there are still plenty of expenses and debts that need to be taken cared of.
Now, more than ever, I have come to realize the importance of having savings, not just a little money stored in a piggy bank, but having a bank account. I realized that I should not make any excuses and think that since I am still young I have all the opportunities to work and earn, and hence not save up.”
Financial planning is indeed important and should be practiced even if we have just started working. Let us remember that it is not just us we need to think and take care of financially, but also our families. The saying “You Only Live Once” or YOLO is true but being mature and responsible about saving is also very important. A financially secured future will certainly give us peace of mind, and thus will let us live and enjoy life the way we want to.