Secure Your Money For Life, Come Home For Good: A Guide For OFWs
Sun Life shares tips on how OFWs can secure their money and achieve a brighter life

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) play a vital role in the Philippine economy, sending remittances back home to support their loved ones and contributing to the nation’s growth. Amid these, OFWs yearn for the familiarity and warmth of their homeland.
One of them is RD, 37, a widower and a bartender based in Italy. “I’ve provided my child with access to good quality education. I am also able to support my retired parents who also happen to be the ones taking care of my child while I am away,” he said.
However, OFWs face unpredictable income fluctuations due to job changes, contract termination, or economic downturns in their host countries. On top of that, the time will come when they shall retire from working.
“I’m saving up so that I can have peace of mind, return home to Iloilo for good, and build a fulfilling life with my family. There’s no place like home,” RD expressed.
Securing Your Finances for a Brighter Life
RD is now in the “Moving Up” stage wherein an adult faces several financial responsibilities such as meeting the current and future needs and wants of the family, including funding a child’s education, preparing for emergencies, buying a house, going on vacations, setting up a business back home, and living without financial worries during retirement.
OFWs need not worry! Sun Life Philippines, a leading financial services company understands these needs and wants to be a trusted partner of OFWs like RD so that they can achieve financial security and pave the way for their long-awaited homecoming.
Sun Life shares these tips to help those in the Moving Up stage to be more in control of their finances:
- Create a conscious spending plan
- Build an emergency fund to safeguard one’s income in case of illness or injury
- Diversify one’s financial portfolio to ensure one’s future income
- Get insured to protect the family’s future
- Build an education fund for the children
- Save and invest for financial goals
Sun Life, Your Guaranteed Partner for Life
In addition to the mentioned tips, Sun Life is happy to guide OFWs with the solutions they need for financial success. One such product that can help them with their goals is Sun Smarter Life Elite, a protection and savings plan that provides double life insurance coverage throughout the person’s lifetime. It also gives additional cash benefits to help them fund their child’s education needs, grow their savings, fund future goals, and provide a regular income during retirement.
Product features include:
- Guaranteed regular cash pay-outs every other year up to age 100 (starting on the 6th year)
- Guaranteed double life insurance throughout your lifetime
- Earn potential dividends as an additional cash fund
Sun Life has consistently demonstrated its unwavering commitment to supporting the needs and aspirations of Filipinos, a legacy that spans over 128 years.
To know how Sun Life can help you achieve financial security and help you Come Home for Good, visit