In light of the recent news articles citing the possibility of GCash as a platform for vote-buying, the leading e-wallet app would like to inform the public that it will not condone nor tolerate such illegal acts by any political figure for the upcoming 2022 local and national polls.
Whether you’re locked at home, or are already on the go for work and other important errands, managing your monthly bills is still one of the burdens we have to consider amid our erratic days. It may sound simple, but sometimes, the most straightforward things tend to have its complications too. Nevertheless, sometimes, all we […]
Empowering more Filipinos With Accessible Finance Services, Now Available To Even Non-GCash Users Across The Country Leading mobile wallet and digital payment solutions provider GCash is extending a new remittance service feature to its more than 40 million active consumers, which will also be accessible to all non-app users.
From giving users in Metro Manila access to seamless payment solutions using their GCash app, the country’s leading e-wallet, is now extending its reach to the Visayas and Mindanao (VisMin) region by building partnerships and ecosystems with LGUs through GCash Pay Bills. True to its mission of providing “financial inclusion for all,” GCash has enabled […]
In recognition of its commitment to help address various social issues related to education, environment, health and more, GCash, the country’s leading mobile wallet, was recently honored by Save the Children, the world’s leading independent children’s organization, for being one of its biggest emergency response donors.
Annyeonghaseyo! Whether it be for their music, fashion, food, or dramas it is to no surprise that we are obsessed with all things Korean Cultured! Think of these items the next time you go on a K-Binge with your friends and family now all available in GLife!