Why Zero-Click Cyberthreats Is A Cause For Concern
Zero-click attacks require no action from the victim – meaning that even the most advanced users can fall prey to serious cyber hacks and spyware tools
Human error is the greatest contributor to cyberattacks. We have pointed out the importance of training and/or education to stop the almost unavoidable from happening. We’ve been convinced that the answer to defending against cyberthreats is to keep the unsuspecting from clicking on phishing emails and infecting devices and systems with malware. Although that’s still essential, cyberthreats nowadays are becoming more sophisticated.
There are zero-click attacks that don’t require human error. These attacks depend on specially formed data like that used for emails, SMS messages, MMS messages, voice messages and calls, with code that can make your system vulnerable and function less effectively. These systems are generally communication platforms for email and messaging that receive data before determining whether the delivery is reliable.

Zero-click attacks are hard to detect. Your device might slow down temporarily or the mobile mail app will suddenly crash. The content, an email, message or call, won’t automatically stay on the device. Although the devices did receive exploit emails, they aren’t on the mail server.
To defend against zero-click attacks, keep the operating system, firmware and apps on all devices up to date. Download apps only from official stores and uninstall apps that are not used anymore. Beware of requests for consent to install new apps, download unknown files, or click on doubtful links.
DECODE 2022: Detect & Respond
Trend Micro Philippines continues its free yearly cybersecurity conference this 2022 entitled DECODE 2022: Detect & Respond. This virtual conference will take place on November 28 and 29, 2022. Industry leaders from all over the world will discuss the latest trends, threats, technologies, and opportunities in cybersecurity.
Trend Micro’s reason for holding these conferences is to keep cybersecurity professionals informed, knowledgeable, and well-networked with their peers in the industry, especially with the latest cyber threats.
Decode 2022 will have six keynote presentations and over 40 sessions across four key tracks. Those present will learn about identifying security gaps, risk levels, and how to act fast to different threats.
Take advantage of this free conference and keep abreast of all the latest happenings in cyber security.
Register for free!
Learn about recent and relevant developments in the security industry, including emerging threats and vulnerabilities, deepfakes, fake news, scams and spam, IoT and critical infrastructures, and threat hunting and incident response. DECODE is the largest cybersecurity conference in the Philippines hosted by Trend Micro, a global leader in cybersecurity. Register now for free and be a part of DECODE 2022: Detect & Respond at www.decodeph.com.
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